wonderful world of websites WWW

Tutorials and Tips

Tips, tutorials and thoughts from Website Wonder Woman and the team at Wonderful World of Websites

A day in the life of a website designer

A day in the life of a website designer

Whether you are a budding website designer or just like to find out more about what I do in a day then read on where. I tell you what it's like for a day in the life of a website designer.The first thing that I want to say is every day is different! When I first...

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What is AI and how can I use it in my business?

What is AI and how can I use it in my business?

It's hard to hide from the increasing presence of AI at the moment and it's only going to get bigger. I have used AI before researching, but after attending a Digital Skills workshop recently I found out more about what is AI, the power of AI and how we can use AI in...

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Do I need a website for my business?

Do I need a website for my business?

It's a question I get asked all the time, "do I need a website?" And my answer is never the same, the reason being is that every single situation is different, every business is different and every person and how they run their business is different. So why would...

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What is WordPress?

What is WordPress?

So you have probably heard of WordPress and you know that it's to do with websites but you are probably wondering what is WordPress and why should you use it? What makes it different to other website builders? And the most important question... will it be any good for...

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2024 Email Security Changes

2024 Email Security Changes

There have been some pretty major email security changes lately, initiated by Google and Yahoo and helping protect emails from spam. These email changes primarily affect us business owners who send emails in bulk from various platforms such as Mailerlite,...

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Create an Online Course with WordPress

Create an Online Course with WordPress

As mentioned in previous blogs having your online courses on your website can improve your SEO, be a lot easier to set up (as you don't need to learn yet another system), can be much easier for your clients/students to remain in one place and can be far more budget...

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How to create online course content

How to create online course content

So it's all well and good having an idea for a course and choosing a platform that suits you but how do you create online course content? This is an area course creators find really difficult as they have a general idea but then worry they are not going to have enough...

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Which online course platform is best?

Which online course platform is best?

There are so many options out there for creating online courses it's often overwhelming and confusing to figure out which online course platform is best. They range from low cost or a one off fee to hundreds of pounds a month so it would not only depend on the...

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Online Course Vs Membership

Online Course Vs Membership

A lot of people get confused about the differences between an online course vs a membership. The biggest reason is the pricing factor. People view an online course as a one off payment and a membership is a recurring payment. But there is so much more to it. So, let's...

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About Website Wonder Woman

Runner Up Website Designer of the Year

Website Wonder Woman, Lisa Rees, is dedicated to helping coaches and other service-based business owners discover the full potential of their websites.