Website Wonder Woman
and her team of tech extraordinaires

Hey I’m Lisa,
I’m here to tell you more about Website Wonder Woman – my alter ego!
I am a WordPress whizz who loves working with ambitious and awesome female entrepreneurs’. I will bring your business alive in the online world and allow your website vision to become a reality!

I remember what it felt like…
When I started my events business in 2007, I was overflowing with passion and enthusiasm; I had so many ideas and goals, I felt unstoppable. I quickly fell back down to earth like a ton of bricks when I became frustrated and overwhelmed with the vast amount of technical jargon and restrictions I faced when trying to get my website launched.
I was so disheartened…
I knew the power of a professional looking website; most of my customers were online and I needed to reach them. I also wanted to be able to work from home and be there for my children so an online business sounded the perfect solution. I must admit I am quite the perfectionist and I like to have everything “just right,” I definitely didn’t want my business to look cheap or tacky because of a badly designed website. When I looked for website designers online I was disheartened.
So I set about trying to do it myself, I tried out template and drag and drop website builders but I couldn’t get it looking right. It just wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do and look exactly like I wanted it to look. I eventually had to admit defeat and hired a web designer to create my online masterpiece. I hoped that getting a professional involved would mean my website would finally reflect me and my business and I would see my vision come alive.
Unfortunately I didn’t get what I expected. Sure the website looked amazing but I felt completely detached from it, as if it belonged to someone else. There were features I had asked for, which apparently ‘weren’t possible’ and every time I wanted to make a change or add something, I had to wait for it to be approved and done by someone else. I was completely disempowered by the whole process. I needed a Website Wonder Woman!
It was time to take control…
This experience made me determined to learn how to create my own websites, I resolved to break through the technical jargon and find a simpler way. I took a course in WordPress and suddenly it all clicked into place. It was as if the veil had been lifted. I had found a new passion and I threw myself into the challenge.
This was back in 2007 and I haven’t stopped learning since. The online world evolves very quickly and once I had the bug I wasn’t going to get left behind again.
I started designing websites for friends and family, it was more of a hobby back then and I was grateful of the opportunity to practice but soon I was getting referrals and people were coming to me from outside my network. To my amazement a new business was organically growing.
Website Wonder Woman was born and through my vision becoming a reality I can now help you make yours really come alive!

You and your business are completely unique and to design the perfect website for you I need to understand your vision. This is why the whole process starts with a conversation. I will listen to exactly what your needs and ideas are so that what I create is bespoke and personalised to you and your business, whether you want me to do it for you or teach you how to do it yourself.
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out, you want to make some changes to an existing site, or you want training to use your site independently, the Website Wonder Woman can help. I pride myself on providing affordable and quality website solutions for amazing female entrepreneurs.
You can forget the technical jargon and overwhelm, I aim to make the process simple and even fun! I am also completely honest and your needs come before price – if you don’t need that expensive monthly package or that expensive extra then I won’t suggest it. I like to make the overall experience as down to earth and affordable for you, whilst not skimping on quality.
Burnt by my restrictive experience of working with a web designer, I aim to offer an entirely different service. When a client asks me if something can be done, I always reply with a resounding YES! I will make it happen!
I want to help you feel excited every time you log onto your website or share the link, as well as giving you the confidence and skills to start using it and make changes if you want to.
I can’t wait to start working with your to bring you business alive online!
(AKA THE Original Website Wonder Woman)