How to stop contact form spam

One of the most common questions I get asked is how do I cut down on spam to my website and emails. Unfortunately spammers are everywhere and when ways are created to stop them spamming they find ways around it. It’s a money maker for them and there’s no...

SEO for Small Businesses

Yesterday was launch day – you unveiled your site to the World and today you are wondering why Google isn’t showing your site in it’s listings and you haven’t been flooded with traffic!  Reality check, it just doesn’t work like that. So why doesn’t Google love you...

Best WordPress Plugins

A lot of people ask me what are the best WordPress plugins that I use on my sites and on the sites that I build? There are so many plugins out there no wonder you all feel so overwhelmed! It can often be a minefield, especially if you are just starting out on your...

Top 5 Ways to Construct a Mobile News Story

Top 5 Ways to Construct a Mobile News Story A Guest Post by  Anna Brees 1. The most important thing when it comes to video on social media is where are you placing it? Is it a new audience? if so you have just 4 seconds to impress before the viewer’s eyes scoot off...