I’m never really one to do a looking back post but I feel that this year has been full of so many highs and lows that it’s worth looking back on them and reflecting to improve this year.
One of my clients recently tagged me in a 2022 round up post on Facebook that mentioned integrity and honesty and I’m it’s something I’m proud to have as one of core values through both my business and life. So this is a no holds barred round up of 2022 and insight into my business and if this helps someone somewhere, as well as me for writing it, then I’m one happy girl 🤩

This year I’ve learnt so much in my business, I’ve taken all the courses, had a load of coaching and it’s had a massive affect on my business but not all positive.
In 2021 year I’ve earned half of what I did in 2020.
Every single year of my business until now I’ve pretty much doubled my income, so what made 2021 different.
A number of things really the biggest being that all this learning made me question my whole business. For the past 6 years I’ve kind of winged it in business, making it up as I go along.
And do you know what it worked but if you know anything about the online business world you are constanly bombarded with what you should and shouldn’t be doing and I thought to myself that maybe I need. toknow all this other stuff to be able to grow my business even more, to plan, to structure, to systamise, to have funnels, content plans and all this other stuff that you should have.
But learning all this stuff took so much time! Time I didn’t really have. But I was doing it for my business.
The problem was there is so much conflicting information out there and after really going back to basics and deciding to focus on what I love doing and building a business on purpose, rather than accidently, I realised a lot of things were going to have to be done from scratch.
Yes, I could earn over 5 grand a month but I was working all the hours with a lot of it being mostly stuff that would be done by a VA not a website developer.
So I decided to change things. I gave up being a reseller for hosting, which was massively holding me back time wise. I went on holiday in July for the first time in 6 years. The reason I couldn’t before was everytime I tried to take time off something would go wrong with someones website and I ended up working again.
The coaches out there, who mainly work with other coaches, didn’t really understand. Set the boundaries they said, do this, do that. Sure that works if you are a coach and can set your own hours but when someones website is down that’s their business that’s come to a stop. It’s very difficult to say to them no worries let me check when my next appointment is, how about a month from now? I found most coaches didn’t really understand, as they work how they work.
But for me it wast was an endless cycle of work work work and I was totally fed up. But slowly changing things enabled me to take two weeks off with my family, with very minimal work and it allowed me to just be, if that makes sense! It was so nice to simply switch off and have nothing to do and it was something I wanted more of.
I also started working with some amazing coaches this year who have helped me get the basics in place, find out what works best in MY business and set the groundwork for growth. It’s taken me months but I can see an end in site, building a new audience, finding what works for me and my clients, finding ways to expand my business doing what I really love – which is teaching and connecting with people!
It’s not been plain sailing and I’ve had some really shit moments this year when I’ve been ready to give up on everything and thinking to myself if I had just done all this from the start I would be in such a better position now.
But it’s been a learning experience and the more we learn the more we grow. I’ve met some amazing people this year and had some amazing experiences, not only my holiday aborad but upping and leaving my office and life to go to London for a retreat on 10 minutes notice!
Things are starting to come together and I know now that I have the basic foundations in place to make 2022 really amazing, doing what I want to do and how I want to do it!
And that’s what I’m here for in 2022 to enable my clients to achieve their goals, their way!