Discover the Power of a Website for your business

WordPress Website creation, support, training, and strategy

Website Wonder Woman, Lisa Rees of Wonderful World od Websites

Choose the Perfect Solution for Your Website

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing website, we offer a range of packages tailored to your specific needs.


From self study and do it with you courses to one to one or group training. Who said DIY is hard.


Need a hand? Grab one of our hourly bundles or strategy sessions to help get you back on track.


Need a website and don’t want to do the work? Or maybe you are looking for a makeover?


Find the hidden money in your website with a Website Success Strategy Session.


Shared or managed hosting to ensure your website stays online and all within your budget.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Let’s chat and find the perfect solution for your unique business needs.

Why Choose
Wonderful World of Websites?

Founded in 2015 by Website Wonder Woman, Lisa Rees, the Wonderful World of Websites is dedicated to helping coaches and other service-based business owners discover the full potential of their websites.

Ready to embark on your website transformation journey?

Website Wonder Woman Portfolio

Real Results

“You’re totally real. You admit if you forgot and then get on with it. You swear and laugh alot, you’re fun to have on my team. You seem to read my mind and I can’t even remember how the back end of my business functioned without you! You know so much and learn if you can’t suss it… and all without moaning. You’ve allowed me to get my life back between coaching clients and programmes. You’ve been the best investment in my business. I’m very grateful I found you and took a chance on trusting and letting go of control.”

Vivienne Joy


What is SEO and why should you be doing it?

What is SEO and why should you be doing it?

So what is SEO? Everyone's banging on about it and you feel like you need to be doing it but you don't know where to start. So, what's all the fuss about? SEO - Search Engine Optimisation or getting seen in Google is spoken about like the magic pill of getting traffic...

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My Story of Websites

My Story of Websites

I can easily remember the first time my youngest daughter was ill. She was two years old and had been suffering for a while - so much so that I had to give up work. I remember sitting there in the house thinking that although I was looking after my daughter I needed...

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How a website can help you take over the world!

How a website can help you take over the world!

There's no point in running your own business if no one knows about it! Whether your business is local or online, you didn't go through all that trouble of thinking up an idea, a name for your business and developing some type of business plan along with the products...

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