Create a WordPress Website Free Course

Is the thought of creating your own website filling you with dread and overwhelm? Would you rather throw your laptop out of the window than spend even one more hour trying to create a website but getting no where? You know you need a website for your business, it makes your business more credible, it’s your shop front online, it will increase your online presence – the list goes on but it’s just so damn hard!

Not anymore!

In this free course I explain and show you:

  • What is a domain name and how to buy one
  • What is hosting and what hosting do you need
  • How to add a security certificate and set up a business email
  • What is WordPress, why use it, how to install it and an overview

All in four simple and easy to follow videos that you can complete step by step to get a website created today!

You also get instant access to the video course so you can get started straight away!

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